black audio mixer

Welcome Brothers to the Sound and AV Instruction Website

Talk to the AI bot to get started on the right.

What is this website for?

This website is to assist those who are having trouble setting up sound and AV within their kingdom halls.

Even though training and practice is still the best use of education. But one can never have too much assistance. The advantage to this site is a AI that has been made and trained to help the brothers throughout the kingdom halls.

This is a new site and the brothers and sisters helping make this site have only trained the AI to the best of their abilities based on how their local systems work.

If your system is different and would like to be adjusted for your Kingdom hall, do please contact us via the form and let us know how we can help.

Also has the use to upload Media to an external website for public speakers.

closeup photography of audio mixer
closeup photography of audio mixer



Documentations full of instructions used

Characters of Advice used

How does it work?

The Ai has been trained by personal knowledge of experienced brothers, but for the safety and confidentiality no direct information has been given by to educate and build the AI nor have the organization requested this to be done.

AI Setup Guide

Please read the Blogs available depending on how to be assist. This can be by AI or a step by step guild

black and multicolored audio mixer
black and multicolored audio mixer
Talking to the AI

Talking to AI is much better than even just last year and only getting better. This AI has a natural voice language so talking to it like you would a person is best way to communicate.

And like any other tool they have limitations, so if any problem comes and you would like it fixed or become a feature do please let us know on the form page below and we will do our best to improve.

AI is just a Education Tool
a photo studio with a table and chairs
a photo studio with a table and chairs
blue and green thread spool lot
blue and green thread spool lot
a close up of a person typing on a keyboard
a close up of a person typing on a keyboard

Help Us Improve

If the AI was unable to help do please send us a message and we will see what happened on our end and see how we can improve